Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Marvel Universe Sketch Cards

Cards from Marvel Universe sketch card set
So the Marvel Universe Sketch Card set just came out and I figured I would share a couple of my cards with yall. I've already seen a couple of these on e-bay. My favorites of this bunch are the Captain America, the chibi Wolverine, and the half symbiote Spidey.
The Spidey card was actually a colab between myself and :iconthe-flash-guy: I did the pencil layout and he did the inks and colors. I think it came out really nice.

The rest of them r all me though.

I have a ton of these guys to post plus I have quite a few cards from previous sets that I never posted that I'll be sharing with you guys soon. So keep an eye out for more.

Also, You may have noticed that I have been making a few changes around the site. So hopefully you are digging the new look. I still have a few more changes to make (with the help of the lovely Peng), but I am well on my way. There will be plenty of new and exciting things happening here before the end of the holiday season so watch out!



  1. The Spidey one is SWEEEEET!! I also LOVE the Nightcrawler one! Excellent work all around! Can't wait to see the rest!

  2. I always try to get Night Crawler in because I remember that u like him.
