Wednesday, March 29, 2017


come see us at Wondercon!

New Logan print!

Logan sketch

Superman line up for fun!

Hey guys! My convention of the year is finally here! Come see me, PENG and B Turner at Wondercon! We will be at artist alley C-06 - C08. We will have prints and be doing commissions the entire weekend. Plus we will have the Blueprint on sale for the first time at  con! Come out and chill with us on the west coast. It's gonna be crazy fun!

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

The Pressure is On

Hyperboy #1 pg1 thumb

Hyperboy #1 pg2 thumb

Hyperboy #1 pg3 thumb

Hyperboy #1 pg4 thumb

Hyperboy #1 pg5 thumb
The production of Hyperboy is moving along pretty well. The script is really coming together and I'm feeling good about he direction of the plot. I've started thumbing out the book already, but I'm sure I'm going to stick with the horizontal format. I really like it, but the it isn't very friendly to the retail market. I pretty sure I'm going to have to switch to a more traditional format. Having said that I like the energy of these roughs so I will probably rearrange them to fit a vertical format.

Any how, thanks for checking in on me! Next week I probably wont have any new Hyperboy work because I'm prepping for Wondercon. I'll still have something to look out for so I'll see you back here next week!

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Hitting My Stride

Teen Hyperboy concepts
Teen Force concept art

Hyperboy's family concept

Unmortal (Old-Man) concept art

Now that I'm focused on producing the full Hyperboy book I'm making new character designs and filling in the plot. This new art is most of what I came up with last week. My plan is to keep updating this site with all the new art and story work for Hyperboy as I go along.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

cookin it up

Interceptor cover art
Hyperboy character sketches

Hyperboy character sketches

Another busy week. I'm still keeping a bunch of projects going all at once. Its the freelance way! I just finished up a cover for an independant book, I'm starting roughs on Claims issue 3, doing some trading card art, and working up the script for Hyperboy.

I'm really trying to stay focused on Hyperboy because I dont want to lose my momentum. I know its going to be a bit tougher to keep producing new art as convention season rolls in, but I guess if it was easy everyone would do it!

Friday, March 3, 2017

Busy Bee

As convention season gets a little closer I've been working on a few different projects to make ends meet as well as tinkering with the story for Hyperboy's full length adventure. As I work on the book I'll be posting each page and progress here, but I'm thinking of creating a Tumblr page for the comic itself so it can be read online from start to finish.

For todays posts, though I'll be sharing some other art of done recently. Most of it is Blueprint 2 related and some is just for fun!