Wednesday, March 22, 2017

The Pressure is On

Hyperboy #1 pg1 thumb

Hyperboy #1 pg2 thumb

Hyperboy #1 pg3 thumb

Hyperboy #1 pg4 thumb

Hyperboy #1 pg5 thumb
The production of Hyperboy is moving along pretty well. The script is really coming together and I'm feeling good about he direction of the plot. I've started thumbing out the book already, but I'm sure I'm going to stick with the horizontal format. I really like it, but the it isn't very friendly to the retail market. I pretty sure I'm going to have to switch to a more traditional format. Having said that I like the energy of these roughs so I will probably rearrange them to fit a vertical format.

Any how, thanks for checking in on me! Next week I probably wont have any new Hyperboy work because I'm prepping for Wondercon. I'll still have something to look out for so I'll see you back here next week!


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