Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Back to the Grind

where the magic happens!

I spent all day yesterday in the waiting room at the doctor's office so I wasn't able to get any work done. The good news is that I figured that would happen so I planned ahead and didn't have any major deadlines or meetings planned. Now I'm back at work and ready to rock.

I haven't been in my new place for too long so Peng and I are still getting the place in order. We haven't put up any art yet, but it's slowly coming together. The photo above is my current work space.
Lali doll for Peng!

And this last pick is the Christmas gift I got for Peng. It is of her character Lali from "The Brotherhood of Fighters" book that the ID studio is working on. I found the artist on DA her name is misscoffee if you get the chance please check her out. she does AMAZING work as you can see.



  1. Jerry, that was such an awesome present. I know Peng had to have been peein her pants when you gave it to her, because if I was her, I probably would have!! LOL OK, TMI, but seriously, that's a really thoughtful gift! +100 Husband points for you! That gal does some awesome work!

  2. Thanks! I really wanted to do something cool for christmas and it really seems to have worked out. Peng had no idea that I had gotten the doll made and I'm extra proud of it cuz I had to keep it on the hush for like 2 months!
